Citric La Moraleja, will install solar paddles in its property of Jumps
EL CRONISTA, July 27 2020 According to the company, with [...]
EL CRONISTA, July 27 2020 According to the company, with [...]
Chacra Magazine, July 27 2020 It is the solar power [...]
BICHOS DE CAMPO, July 27 2020 One third of La [...]
Given the importance of the area where the farm is [...]
The agro-industrial complex La Moraleja obtained a new certification of sustainable production for its Apolinario Saravia plant.
The tendency among participants in all categories was to leave known practices to add value; Gold was won by Grupo Puerto Las Palmas.
A study by the Mediterranean Foundation indicates that the citrus sector is the most competitive of Argentine exports. The shipments of that complex (fresh lemon, lemon oil and lemon juice) far exceed the placements of other products.
It has 40% of the world oil market, according to the Mediterranean Foundation
In Apolinario Saravia, 250 kilometers east of Salta capital, in the La Moraleja farm, the lemon production is world leader. A story to tell.
On a scale rarely seen in Argentina, La Moraleja is the most striking case of the power of transformation of man over nature to generate food and jobs.