CLARÍN, 26/05/2017
The agro-industrial complex La Moraleja obtained a new certification of sustainable production for its Apolinario Saravia plant.
La Moraleja, a company dedicated to the production and industrialization of lemon, obtained a new quality certification for its agro-industrial complex located in Apolinario Saravia, province of Salta.
This is the certification in Sustainable Agriculture / Rainforest Alliance, an international program that is driven by the Sustainable Agriculture Network (RAS, according to its Spanish acronym), which is a coalition of independent non-profit conservation organizations in the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia, which promotes the social and environmental sustainability of agricultural production through the development of quality standards. These standards are broad and comprehensive, and provide opportunities to generate profound changes in the management and administration of productions.
Maximiliano Klix, president of La Moraleja, in front of lemons ready to be harvested.
The president of the company, Maxilimiano Klix, said “we are very proud of having achieved this level of quality in certification, the first citrus in the country to obtain it, a long-term work of the company as a whole and its shareholders that shows us the way to continue at an international level, with high levels of productivity and environmental care”.
To obtain certification, audited companies must comply with the Sustainable Agriculture Network standard, which includes programs for the conservation of ecosystems, protecting biodiversity, wildlife and waterways, conserving forests, reducing the use of agrochemicals and safeguarding the welfare of workers, the prohibition of child labor and the care of local communities.
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