LA NACIÓN, November 19, 2014

The awards for Agricultural Excellence were delivered in sixteen categories; the Golden statuette was won by the Best Fruti horticultor, El Parque Papas, by Nicanor Otamendi

With the central restaurant of la Rural in Palermo to full, and in a festive atmosphere for the field, LA NACION and Banco Galicia delivered last night the prizes to the Agricultural Excellence, whose maximum prize, the precious Gold, corresponded to El Parque Papas, company specializing in the cultivation of potatoes, located in the Buenos Aires town of Comandante Nicanor Otamendi.

This traditional award since its inception has the objective of recognizing the effort and achievements of companies to optimize the competitive profile of their agricultural products or services.
Last night’s evening was taking on color as the tables in the living room were being occupied, which housed some 200 people. Everything, with the lively host of Eleonora Cole and Oscar Gómez Castañón.

Among the guests was Julio Cobos, who after greeting the organizers and some of the tenants, said as a presidential candidate for UNEN that “the field needs institutional security, clear rules and improve public-private articulation.” The former vice president was also concerned about the situation of regional economies.
There were also the president of the Rural Society, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, and executives of Banco Galicia and the newspaper LA NACION.

In this 12th edition of the prize participated 16 categories for which 211 works were presented that deserved an arduous task of the jury, integrated by Fernando Villela, of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (Fauba); Gustavo Oliverio, of the Produce Conservando Foundation; Rodrigo Bunge, agroindustrial consultant; Marcelo Mc Grech, of Banco Galicia, and Félix Sammartino, of LA NACION.

After thanking the support of the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (Ipcva) and the Toyota automotive company for the realization of the event, José Claudio Escribano, from the Directorate of LA NACION, said that “a prize is inconceivable if it does not comply the double purpose of stimulating the recipient for having really excelled in relation to their peers, and to provoke, on the other hand, the emulation, not the astonishment, on the part of those who reason about an act of awarding awards”.

And when addressing the participants, the manager did not save praise and congratulated everyone. “I congratulate with gratitude the 211 producers, researchers, industries, professional enterprises, companies and institutions, both in the public sector and the private sector, which in an even greater number than last year have come to highlight, in short, this fair of the excellence”.

Finally, Escribano recalled that for LA NACION “after almost a century and a half of daily understanding with the joys and disappointments of the producers and with the great issues of agricultural activity, it can be reaffirmed that the set of presentations has shown, once again, the qualities present in the field and how many are linked, from other areas, to their achievements, to their dreams and inspiration. If these examples flow and catch on, the country will win.”

The most expected moment

Meanwhile, Juan Sarquis spoke on behalf of Banco Galicia. He is the manager of Wholesale Banking and praised, among other concepts, the passion of agricultural producers to invest.

As the night progressed, between plates and plates at lively gatherings, the sixteen prizes were announced by category, until the desserts arrived the most anticipated moment: the election of the best among the best. In a parenthesis, the 75 years of activity fulfilled by the Colombo and Magliano consignee house were recognized, to which a distinction was awarded.

This culminated when the company El Parque Papas, previously crowned as the Best Fruti horticultor, received the Gold Award for Agricultural Excellence. The jury justified such a high distinction in the commitment, work, effort and responsibility of the winner to promote new projects that propose a continuous improvement.

This company started its activities in 2002 and went from producing 1300 tons of potatoes to the current 37,000 tons obtained with 35 employees. Currently it has sales of 85 million pesos.

It was also distinguished because, in addition to incorporating precision agriculture and technological advances in all its productive processes with the least environmental impact, it began exporting to Brazil last year.

Recognition for dedication

The 16 categories and the winners

Alberto Marchioni, exporter of Zea mays averta (popcorn).

Wine producer
Cardón del Valle. He works with special care in his vineyards.

Alberto Guil, generator of great Angus champions.

Fediap Association

Farming Extension
Reproduction Center of the Veterinary School UNLP

Machinery manufacturer
Agrícola Plá, manufacturer of fertilizer equipment.

Novartis and Forest Management Group.

Fruti horticulturist
El Parque Papas, producer of potatoes for industry and seed.

Agrifood industry
La Moraleja: it produces citrus fruits, grains, vegetables and woods.

Innovation and development
Agroceres Pic Argentina, company dedicated to pig genetics.

Livestock Producer
Ganadera La Paz, for its handling upon inclement weather.

Milk producer
La Ramada: it milks in four units in a confined system.

Pig producer
Cabaña Argentina-Pacuca, for its productive technology.

Agro tourism Proposal
Cultivos y Cosecha SA, from Estancia Jesuítica Las Carreras.

Research work
Prog. Agronegocios Fauba.

Environmental management